What Is φhishXposed?

PhishXposed is a free email phishing anlysis service launched in December 2015. You can submit files to it and receive the results.


Make a better world!


We do not profit on your data. The files you submit, the information you provide and any other use you make of the website is not commercialized in any way. We create and use open source technology. We're not advertising any commercial product, we are not collecting data to enrich any existing product.


Unless you specify otherwise, the files you submit are not shared outside. While we believe in the value of sharing within our community and the larger public, we do strongly believe in respecting your privacy and the confidentiality of the data you handle.


PhishXposed uses the following services, tools and libraries:


For inquiries you can contact us at the following email address:

[email protected]


PhishXposed was created and is maintained by Hacking & Forensics Team at CyberHat:

Team Members:
  • Itzik Naim - Team Leader
  • Itay Kruk - Security Researcher
  • Eyal Bendersky - Hacker